Assalamualaikum/May peace be upon you
I'm sure a lot of us know about Amalina Che Bakri and her so-called culture shock experience, which by now should be yesterday's story already. And before that there was Adinda Evans, in which if you don't know about these two people, boleh google or something. Oh come on, like I really have to tell you that. Make use of the technologies that we have lah kan. *ter-overreact pulak*
Anyway, sebenarnya one question that I have been asking myself since I first heard of Amalina's story is this,"Kenapa dia pakai macam tu jadi issue? It's not like it has never been done by anyone else before her kan?". But because she's like a supposedly role-model because of her outstanding SPM achievement dulu, she's put in the spotlight.
Lepas tu there's the story of Adinda Evans, where she blogged about her life and the stuffs she did. Stuffs tu faham-faham lah sendiri ye? Tapi kalau tak faham jugak or if you're curious to know the details about it, like I said earlier, sila gunakan kemudahan Encik Google. It's not like you have to pay to use the service pun kan? Hikhik. Okay dah terkeluar topik!
Where was I? Oh, Adinda Evans, about her pulak, macam terfikir jugak, where was her parents when she did everything that she said she did? How true is the story pun kita tak taw kan? For all we know, this girl mungkin just nak attention so she wrote all those things. Possible kan? Okay maybe tak possible *malu* but still, how many of you can actually prove that she actually did those things? Takda kan? Kan? Kan?!
Macam panjang sangat je my attempt at muqaddimah to introduce these people. Tapi yang pasti, after these people punya cerita keluar, ramai pulak preacher-wannabes yang nak tegur their doings. Memang lah the act of tegur diorang ni betul, tapi do you really have to do it in public? Like dekat comment section dekat youtube video Amalina or worse still, pergi pulak buat another post dekat blog sendiri lepas tu cerita lah macam-macam pasal diorang.
Tak kisah lah if you want to tegur them, tapi buat lah cara baik. Atau lebih afdal, cara halus (bukan guna sihir ye, itu khurafat!). Like Imam Syafie once said, "Jika kamu menegur saudaramu dalam sembunyi, maka kamu telah menjalankan tanggungjawabmu, sebaliknya jika kamu menegurnya di khalayak umum, maka kamu telah membogelkannya di depan orang ramai." Jadi before we tegur them, we should set in mind that our intention adalah untuk jalankan tanggungjawab, not strip them naked. Makanya, tegur lah in a good way like write her a letter or something? Tak pun doakan je that one day Allah bagi petunjuk untuk dia sendiri berubah.
I mean come on, take commenting on the youtube video as an example, it's not like Amalina is going to read every single one of them pun kan? And blog-blog tu, macam lah Adinda Evans tu nak baca semua posts yang mention nama dia. Diorang dah memang dosa dengan Allah sebab buat what they did, tapi you people yang tak semena-mena nak kutuk-kutuk diorang tu, tak dosa lah pulak? At least dosa diorang, they can taubat and with Allah's will, dah hilang those sins, but kita ni, dosa sesama manusia, Allah pun takkan maafkan sebelum the person yang kita buat salah tu maafkan kita dulu.
And this goes to everyone else jugak lah, not just pasal Amalina and Adinda Evans ni. I'm just using them as example. Like the celebrities, the politicians, or even our friends ke, if we want to correct them, buat lah in private, don't humiliate them in public. Imagine people talking of your flaws in public, confirm rasa malu berbaur marah semua ada kan? Just remember one thing, yang betul tu mengumpat, yang salah tu fitnah. Either way, both are gonna contribute sin to ourselves.
Tapi don't get me wrong, bukan nak cakap that what they did was right, because basically dulu time sekolah, when one of my teacher used to tell us to make Amalina our idol, like our slightest mistakes pun ada cikgu tu nak cakap "macam mana nak jadi pelajar cemerlang kalau perangai pun tak elok?" And now look at her, rasa macam nak pergi dekat cikgu tu and say "IN YOUR FACE, hah!" Tapi come on lah, we're better than this. Kalau tak better pun pretend jelah we're better than this, kan rasa lebih dignified bila letak diri one level higher than another person? Haha.
Apapun, like hello, she got freaking 17 A's! Pandai tahap apa pun tak tahu lah kan. But she has her flaws as well, as the pepatah Melayu or perumpamaan or simpulan bahasa, eh I don't know lah what exactly it is! Tapi it goes, "yang baik dijadikan panduan, yg buruk dijadikan sempadan". Jadi dengan menggunakan sedikit kepandaian akal dan campurkan dengan a whole lot of common sense, we should be able to distinguish what to emulate from her and what to avoid. Simple as that kan?
And as for the people yang kena tegur, including me, kalau orang tegur tu, jangan lah marah. Paling mangkuk ayun are people that bila orang tegur, dia pergi cakap "kau pun tak perfect, nak tegur orang pulak." Pantang nenek moyang cucu cicit jiran belakang rumah aku kalau orang cakap macam ni! Hoi, orang tegur sebab orang sayang kau lah! Kalau orang tegur suruh pakai tudung ke, solat ke, siapkan homework ke, whatever lah that they tegur, it's because that person sayang gila dekat kau, kalau dia tak sayang, dia biar je kau buat salah, buat dosa semua tu!
*lima minit kemudian*
Sorry, terpaksa berhenti kejap tadi untuk tenangkan diri. Maklumlah, kadang-kadang emosi menguasai jiwa. Mohon maaf zahir dan batin ye. *sambil hulur tangan menunggu duit raya* Apapun, kepada mereka-mereka yang suka cakap ayat seperti di atas setiap kali ditegur, I only have one piece of advice for you ; kalau nak tunggu yang sempurna je untuk tegur, malaikat jelah yang mampu.
Whatever it is, remember that there's a fine line between meng-kutuk and meng-advise (it's mengutuk actually), so before we talk to them, be certain of our intention and the way we're conveying them it so as to not deliver the wrong message. Okay?
That's all I have for now. Terima kasih for taking your time to read. :)
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